Ces aliens ont utilises le genome Humain pour leurs progres; ce que je veux dire, c'est qu'ils nous ont utilises pour leurs propre progres.
"Le Cerveau humain a permis le progres alien et non pas le contraire !!!"
D' apres certains ecrits, la science les auraient depasses.
the aliens who are abducting humans made themselves sterile by modifying their genes and themselves so much that they could not reproduce. The abductee felt that the aliens exceeded their scientific competence and sterilized themselves. The aliens may be trying to maintain their culture by mixing their genes with ours. Hence a new race of alien-human hybrids.
Like the failed manipulation of their own genes, the alien creation process is flawed, which may bring about defects in the human genome manifesting as autism and asperger’s disease. The creation process is actually beyond the alien’s scientific capacity, so they constantly change their modifications to human DNA, hence the ever enlarging spectrum of autistic disorders. Making hybrids is an alien trial and error process. Abductees report seeing deformed and sick hybrids on alien spacecraft.
The Peter Principle applies to the alien’s science: “In an organization, individuals tend to reach a level of responsibility at least one level above that at which they can function competently.” In this case, the aliens are above their level of scientific competency and are damaging the human genome in their process of creating alien-human hybrids. They demonstrated their scientific incompetency by making themselves sterile
(Ils se sont montres incompetents scientifiquement en se rendant sterile).
j'appelle ca une reussite. Ils nous kidnappent et veulent que l'on soit content apres ca.