Wednesday, 23 October 2013

My message to the imposition of the Ashtar... Beware !

French and English versions 
Parler d'amour dans une planete,
s'imposer d'un seul coup apres des annees de combats et de refus venant
de tous les coins....
N'imposez pas ce que vous ne maitrisez pas !
Vous aurez toujours des gens qui profiteront de ces offres avec certainements enormements de vices caches.

Vous aux esprits superieurs auriez du y pensez. Si votre monde vous suffit avec ce que vous avez,
avec ce que vous vous partagez, ici, il est bien evident, que votre peuple souffrira beaucoup plus
qu'il ne l'avait imagine.

Vous voulez donc vous imposez... Certains vous feront la guerre et vous kidnapperont.
Ils se sont deja piegez eux-memes.
Plus vous fermez les yeux, et plus les requins vous les couvriront !

Barrieres metaphysiques entre les
humains et les aliens.
Metaphysical barriers between
humans and aliens.
Speaking about love from a different planet,
to impose yourselves after many years of fightings and refusals,
struggles from every angles of the globe...
Don't impose what you don't master !
You will always find people ready to abuse your offers, and implanting many
vices into it.
You, with so called superiors minds or spirits must have thought about it.
If your world is self-sufficient,
with whatever you are sharing in your own world,
here, on planet Earth, the evidence are showing, that your
own kind is likely to be disappointing and is going to suffer
much more than "not" anticipated.
So, you so much want to impose yourselves... Some are ready to
fight you and are going to kidnap you.
These people have already trapped themselves.
The more you are blinding your eyes in front of the situation,
the more the sharks are going to cover the damage done.

Think of your mediums or psychics, some have more
psychic abilities than others, they already know
what is going to happen to you.

Understanding Your Purpose in The Ashtar Command

Understanding the purpose of the Ashtar Command is important.
First to remember it is real and exists.
Not a club created on Earth,
not a role playing group which over the years some thought it…

Ashtar Command Radio Stations


    the safest for all aliens and humans,
    why don't you use my 
    Substitute for love ?

    Can you handle it ?

    I never understood why people from a different planet
    were here to teach humans about love.


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