Friday, 7 December 2012

Aliens: Ils se sont auto-censures // They've censored themselves...

Aliens have created their own matrix...
to their loss for the majority of them.

Aliens know something, some people need the right tools to
achieve what they are meant to achieve.
Here, in Brighton UK, with the wrong people,
you will automatically  be getting something wrong !

Voulant tout controler, ils se sont controler eux-memes.
Des que l'un d'entrent eux ou plusieurs realiseront qui a fait quoi, ou et comment, quelque chose me dit qu'ils s'expliqueront en prive. 

Eager to get the overall control,
as soon as one or many of the had acknowledged who has done what,
where and when, I am suspecting them to
get into private physical explanations.

Tout cela, ca n'est pas cense etre moi, mais eux.

Ils se sont donnes de mauvaises appreciations.

Comme je le disait, ils n'arretes pas d'accumuler les erreurs, et je pense que je suis la, parce qu'ils veulent que je les reparent pour eux.

Ils veulent que je fasse l'impossible pour eux, mais bien sure l'impossible n'est realisable que pour moi pour le moment. Je m'eleve et me sur-eleve.

Whatever there is, it didn't have anything to do with me,
they gave bad feedback to themselves,
as I mentioned before, they don't stop accumulating errors,
today I am here because they are expecting
from me to fix their mistakes.
They keep sending message such as they can do the impossible,
but this doesn't seem to be possible to achieve without
me and some other humans.

I am changing this now and I am adding the Tonytanium as well as Choudegamique.

It is possible that I cracked the code before anyone on the planet as well as much more than this.
What I mean, is they had the (stolen) chance to crack it themselves, some of them held us hostage just to get more informations.  After that they lived their own lives, and thought that was what was meant to happen.

Some others even now, are trying very hard to get as many informations as possible everyday, but they already entered the matrix, they've got themselves to blame. Ce n'est pas le vrai.

Me, somehow, I just know even when I don't mean to do so, this is what happens to me. I know, and also know that they are too late, I mean, really really really late. they are too late et ils le savent.

Ils ont tout utilise.

Le pire, c'est que dans tout ca, ils ont finis par s'apercevoir
que je disais la verite.
En tout cas, les survivants.

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