Monday 3 December 2012

La nouvelle attaque alien//vous croyez qu'elle n'existe pas ?

Anthony Adonon,

Cette attaque existe vraiment, mais je ne sais pas quand elle va arrivee.
Elle va etre tres rapide, ils sont apres les aliens qui sont sur cette planete.

La rebelle Matrix existe, c'est certain.

Ceci est une carte protectrice holographique.


The first part of my blog was typed last year,
the second part is now a confirmation of what I have announced.
Furthemore, aliens of Brighton, hypocrites as usual are copying my ideas, thinking
I am protecting them, it is totally different, I am first protecting myself as well
as the rest of humans that are left.

At the moment the ones that are pretending helping
me are aliens, 100% hypocrites with me, they
are the same with each other.

They are panicking, there must be some fighting.

Some people were protected by myself and my team,
a strong team, some important people have
allowed aliens imposition, the result of this
is that the protectors with a
more than sophisticated protection team are now,
facing another kind of danger.
We are now going back in time with
some cerebral introspection.

Where did it all go wrong ?
We are going to have the answers to all questions,
present enemies are losing the Matrix.

At this moment in time aliens are thinking they have
to be in advance with their weapons, so again,
we know that they are aliens.
Again, the way they are acting with humans,
is not getting humans to enjoy their presence.

barriere invisible metaphysique
(separation entre aliens et humains)

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